CoQ10-rich food

Coenzyme Q10 Supplements: Why Should You Consider Taking One?

Article Summary:

  • Coenzyme Q10 supplements promote several health functions, including heart, skin, reproductive, immune, musculoskeletal, neurological, and oral health.* 
  • The poor bioavailability and absorption of CoQ10 hinders the efficacy of most Coenzyme Q10 supplements.
  • Tesseract’s revolutionary CyLoc® – DexKey® nutrient delivery nanotechnology enables optimal solubility and absorption of CoQ10. 

Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is a lipid antioxidant endogenously produced by all tissues and organs in the body. CoQ10 plays a critical role in cellular energy production, particularly within the mitochondria, where it facilitates the electron transport chain. Due to its involvement in energy metabolism, CoQ10 concentrations are significantly higher in organs with high metabolic activity, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, adrenal glands, spleen, and pancreas. Besides cellular energy production, CoQ10 serves as a potent antioxidant, thus promoting various health functions by helping to neutralize free radicals. 

Although the body produces CoQ10, several factors can deplete your CoQ10 level, including age, the use of certain medications, and certain underlying health conditions. A CoQ10 deficiency may manifest in various symptoms, including muscle weakness and cramping, exercise intolerance, fatigue, poor eyesight, hearing loss, cognitive impairment, and poor oral health. While incorporating CoQ10-rich foods in your diet can help, adding an  advanced coenzyme Q10 supplement may be more significant in increasing endogenous levels and  addressing symptoms associated with a CoQ10 deficiency.* 

Benefits of A Coenzyme Q10 Supplement in Your Diet

As covered above, CoQ10 functions as a free radical scavenger found in the mitochondria of every cell in the body. Supplemental CoQ10 supports cardiovascular health by acting as an antioxidant against lipid peroxidation and promoting heart and artery function. It also enhances exercise tolerance, supports healthy blood sugar levels, and improves oocyte and sperm function for fertility support.

The following table further details the various benefits of a coenzyme Q10 supplement in your diet and how it promotes overall health and wellness.*  

Why Should You Consider A Coenzyme Q10 Supplement for Your Health?

Health Benefit

How It Works

Heart health

  • As an antioxidant, CoQ10 suppresses oxidative stress* — the underlying factor causing heart conditions. 
  • Coenzyme Q10 supplements help maintain optimal total cholesterol levels and help mitigate the side effects of statin intake, such as muscle aches and weakness.* 

Skin health

  • CoQ10 mitigates oxidative damage to the skin and enhances the mitochondrial function of aging skin cells.*
  • Studies1 show that CoQ10 increases the mRNA expression of type I, IV, and VII collagen, thereby stimulating collagen production.*  

Reproductive health

  • The age-related decline in both male and female fertility is primarily attributed to oxidative stress. CoQ10 supplements help limit oxidative stress, thus promoting reproductive health.*
  • CoQ10 supplementation enhances follicular fluid oxidative metabolism and restores oocyte mitochondrial functions during reproductive aging and also improves sperm motility in males.* 

Immune health

  • CoQ10 supports cellular antioxidant activities and helps maintain normal inflammatory responses by downregulating several cell signaling pathways.*
  • CoQ10 provides cellular energy to enhance the mitochondrial functions of leukocytes (white blood cells).*

Muscle support

  • CoQ10 supplementation enhances2 the total CoQ10 concentration in the slow-twitch muscles and helps limit exhaustive exercise-induced muscular injury.* 

Neurological health

  • The impairment of mitochondrial function and oxidative damage can result in various adverse neurological conditions. As an antioxidant involved in the energy-regulating activity of the mitochondria, CoQ10 protects the neurological system from loss of normal function.*  

Cognitive health

  • The neuroprotective effects of CoQ10 translate to enhancing cognitive function and possibly delaying the progression of cognitive decline.*

Oral health

  • CoQ10 supplementation promotes periodontal health and alleviates swollen gums.*

Coenzyme Q10 supplements are commercially available as soft gel capsules, hard shell capsules, oral sprays, and tablets. Most CoQ10 supplements are available in either the ubiquinone (fully oxidized) or the ubiquinol (fully reduced) form. Although there is much debate about the most effective form of CoQ10 supplement, several studies3 indicate there is no significant difference between the bioavailability of ubiquinone and ubiquinol supplements. 

CoQ10 has a relatively high molecular weight and displays limited solubility in lipids and insolubility in water. As a result, the therapeutic benefits of most coenzyme Q10 supplements are compromised due to their poor bioavailability and absorption. An advanced nutrient delivery system can optimize the solubility and absorption of coenzyme Q10 supplements.  

An Advanced CoQ10 Supplement Formulation to Promote Your Cardiovascular Health*

CoQ10 Pro® is an innovative coenzyme Q10 supplement developed by Tesseract Medical Research to promote heart health.* The proprietary CyLoc® – DexKey® nutrient delivery nanotechnology ensures the optimal solubility and absorption of CoQ10 at the desired point in the intestinal tract. The unprecedented absorption of CoQ10 means lower doses of the active ingredient to achieve the desired physiological effects.* With CoQ10 Pro®, you can be assured of realizing the therapeutic benefits of this potent antioxidant for your heart and overall wellness.*   

The power of Tesseract supplements lies in enhancing palatability, maximizing absorption and bioavailability , and micro-dosing multiple nutrients in a single, highly effective capsule. Shop antioxidant products on our website and learn more about how they can support yourheart health..*

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1Mine Y, et al. Stimulatory effects of collagen production induced by coenzyme Q10 in cultured skin fibroblasts. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition vol. 71,1 (2022): 29-33. doi:10.3164/jcbn.20-187

2Kon M, et al. Effect of Coenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise-induced muscular injury of rats. Exercise immunology review vol. 13 (2007):76-88.

3Mantle D, Dybring A. Bioavailability of Coenzyme Q10: An overview of the absorption process and subsequent metabolism. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 9,5 386. 5 May. 2020, doi:10.3390/antiox9050386

Al Czap, Founder | Tesseract

Al Czap has more than four decades of professional experience in preventative medicine. He founded Thorne Research in 1984 (sold in 2010) and he published Alternative Medicine Review for 17 years beginning in 1996. AMR was a highly acclaimed, peer-reviewed, and indexed medical journal. Al was the first to recognize the need for hypoallergenic ingredients and to devise methods of manufacture for and delivery of hypoallergenic products to underserved patient populations. His work has greatly impacted those with impaired immune and digestive systems and compromised health due to environmental exposures.

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