Quercetin for Immune Support: What You Need to Know

Quercetin for Immune Support: What You Need to Know

Article Summary:

  • Quercetin exerts therapeutic benefits on immune function by enhancing cell signaling pathways. 

  • Quercetin’s poor absorption and bioavailability can compromise its efficacy. 

  • Tesseract’s QuerciSorb Immuphore SR® is an innovative quercetin supplement with optimal solubility and absorption to support immune function.  

If your regular diet contains onions, broccoli, fruits (apples, grapes, berries), herbs, tea, and wine, then you are already consuming some  quercetin — a plant-derived polyphenol, to support healthy immune function. Quercetin is known for its antioxidant activity and for scavenging free radicals to protect cellular components from oxidative stress. However, the poor absorption of quercetin undermines its efficacy, highlighting the need for an advanced quercetin supplement formulation.

This article addresses common queries about quercetin — how it promotes immune responses, potential side effects/contradictions of quercetin supplements, and the benefits of including one of the best quercetin supplements for immune support in your diet.      

Who should and should not take a quercetin supplement for immune support?

The immuno-supportive and antioxidant properties of quercetin support the health of the heart, kidneys, immune system, skin, brain, and gastrointestinal system. At present, the effects of quercetin intake at or above one gram daily for longer than 12 weeks are yet to be determined. Also, there is no conclusive evidence on quercetin’s effects on pregnant or lactating women. It is always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before including a quercetin supplement for immune support in your diet.        

How does quercetin support immune function?

Quercetin’s antioxidant properties help balance various cell signaling pathways to maintain the body’s natural inflammatory response and exert beneficial effects on immune function. The following table highlights how quercetin benefits1 immune function. Are all these statements in the table covered by the one reference?

Quercetin’s Benefits for Immune Support
Inhibiting histamine release*: Histamine is a signaling chemical involved in local immune response communication. Quercetin helps stabilize mast cells that release histamine in the body.* 
Inhibiting proinflammatory cytokine production*: Quercetin modulates the NF-κβ1 and Iκβ cell signaling pathways to inhibit the production of proinflammatory cytokines — the activated immune cells (macrophages) involved in the up-regulation of immune reactions.*
Inhibiting the production of leukotrienes*: Quercetin inhibits the production of leukotrienes, the mediators produced in white blood cells that cause adverse immune responses, such as the tightening of airway muscles.* 
Enhancing Th1/Th2 balance*: T-helper (Th) cells are critical to adaptive immune responses. Quercetin enhances the balance between Th1 and Th2 cells, thus promoting a healthy immune response.* 
Down-regulation of antigen-specific IgE antibody formation*: Quercetin inhibits the formation of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies that trigger antigen-specific allergic reactions.*

Are there side effects from taking quercetin supplements?

There is no significant reported toxicity or side effects of quercetin, and it is generally considered safe to be consumed as a nutritional supplement. However, ingesting a high amount of quercetin can cause diverse effects, such as depletion of intracellular glutathione content.    

Are there potential contraindications between quercetin and prescription medications? 

Quercetin can interact with certain medications by reducing their absorption and effectiveness and raising the risk of side effects. Consult a health-care practitioner to know more about potential contraindications before including quercetin in your diet or taking it with a prescription medication.  

Why should you include an advanced quercetin supplement for immune health?   

The naturally poor bioavailability and absorption of quercetin undermines the efficacy of most quercetin supplements. Only 3-17 percent of quercetin glucoside2 — the most absorbable form of quercetin — is absorbed in healthy individuals after ingesting 100 mg. Various approaches have been implemented to enhance quercetin’s bioavailability and absorption, including nano-delivery technologies, such as cyclodextrins. Formulated quercetin has been found to be more stable and bioavailable than free quercetin. 

Tesseract Medical Research’s QuerciSorb Immuphore SR® is an innovative nanoformulated quercetin supplement in combination withvitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc, to support healthy immune function. The proprietary CyLoc® – DexKey® nutrient delivery nanotechnology enables unprecedented absorption of quercetin molecules at the desired point in the intestinal tract. The result is optimal absorption and effectiveness for each quercetin molecule, making its benefits a bioavailable therapeutic reality. 

The power of Tesseract supplements lies in enhancing palatability, maximizing bioavailability and absorption, and micro-dosing of multiple nutrients in a single, highly effective capsule. Visit our website for more information about how Tesseract’s supplement can support your healthy immune function.*

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1Mlcek J, et al. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 21,5 623. 12 May. 2016, doi:10.3390/molecules21050623

2Li Y, et al. Nutrients vol. 8,3:167. 15 Mar. 2016, doi:10.3390/nu8030167

Al Czap, Founder | Tesseract

Al Czap has more than four decades of professional experience in preventative medicine. He founded Thorne Research in 1984 (sold in 2010) and he published Alternative Medicine Review for 17 years beginning in 1996. AMR was a highly acclaimed, peer-reviewed, and indexed medical journal. Al was the first to recognize the need for hypoallergenic ingredients and to devise methods of manufacture for and delivery of hypoallergenic products to underserved patient populations. His work has greatly impacted those with impaired immune and digestive systems and compromised health due to environmental exposures.

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